Game Classification

'88 Games (Hyper Sports Special) Konami (Japan), Konami (Japan), 1998  

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MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick

Déplacer (Moyen): Players must control the speed and angle of their movements in various events such as the 100m Dash, Long Jump, and High Jump. This requires precise timing and control, which is fundamental to the gameplay.

Atteindre (Objectif): The overarching goal in each event is to qualify for the next round and ultimately win a gold medal. This is achieved by excelling in each specific event, whether it's running, jumping, or shooting.

The combination of these Briques indicates that the game utilizes a "Driver" type of Métabrique where the player needs to manage movement efficiently to succeed, and a "Killer" type in events like Skeet Shooting where precise targeting is crucial.